Test Collections
We are now responsible for distributing the following TREC collections:
WT2G, WT10G, .GOV, .GOV2 and BLOGS06
Our Java framework for the rapid development of IR and search systems is available under the
Mozilla Public License.
Information Retrieval
Online version of the book by Keith van Rijsbergen - Hypertext/CD-ROM version
A Unified model for IR?
Video of Keith van Rijsbergen presenting Salton Honored - A SMART Celebration: A Unified Model for IR? in 1995.
IR Resources | A collection of links to local and remote accumulations of IR stuff. |
Seminar Archive | Slides from a selection of previous IR seminars |
IRList | We maintain a searchable archive of the mailing list IRList (now SIG-IRList) (up to Vol.19, 1999). |
Probablistic IR | The slides of the talk 'Everything you wanted to know about probabilistic IR but were too ashamed to ask' by Keith van Rijsbergen. |
SIGIR 93 / 94 Photographs | Photographs from SIGIR 93 in Pittsburgh, USA and SIGIR 94 in Dublin, Ireland. |